Industrial Conveyor Belts

Used conveyor belt scrapyard out back?  We can clean it up AND recycle the belts.


If you're a coal mine or paper mill chances are you have used conveyor belts piling up in your scrap yard. You’re probably looking at a mix of belting you managed to re-roll and "spaghetti" piles tangled in a heap or run all over the yard. The belting is heavy, unwieldy, and hard to transport. Its been sitting there for years and its crowding your scrap yard and your mind.


Clement can clean up your entire scrap yard. Without burdening you with the expense and time-consuming burden of re-rolling your spaghetti pile, we use an innovative staging method to fold it and ship it in dump trailers. By using back hauls, we cut your bulk transport costs in half for the most cost-effective solution possible.

We process belting into useful materials for a variety of industries. Depending on the quality of the belt, we can repurpose it for smaller conveyor use, use it for industrial flooring or athletic mats, agricultural mats for livestock, or shred it into mulch for industrial and agricultural purposes. We even use it as covers for electrical cables at county fairs to prevent people from tripping.

Typical Streams

  • Industrial conveyor belting from a coal mine or other heavy industrial belting.
  • We can take a wide variety of widths and thickness, call us to discuss.
  • If you're unsure whether your belts are cable or fabric based, take a knife and cut into the side about 2 inches - if you hit cable you'll know!

Case Study:

A coal mine near Harrisburg, PA had scrap belting that had piled up for years. They'd had offers to clean up the rolled belting, but no one would take their spaghetti piles and it was too warped to re-roll effectively. In the past, vendors had promised to clean up everything only to take the rolled belting and leave the spaghetti pile untouched. They were at their wits end to get this mess out of the yard.

Clement Industries was the answer to that problem. Using proper staging we were able to clean out every scrap of belting from the yard.


*Belts with steel cables in the rubber are impossible to recycle, and we are not able to take them at this time.

The sooner you call us, the sooner we can help
